Sunday, June 8, 2008

Critique and critique groups part V

This is the very last post about critiques! I promise!

And it is a word of caution about showing your work to family and friends. It's very tempting to do this. For one thing, everyone wants to know why you spend so many hours a day holed up in a tiny room going clickety-clack instead of hanging out with them. They want to read your Pulitzer Prize winning novel-to-be.


Why? Because they have high expectations. They know how smart and funny you are in person, and they expect to be wowed by what you write. But chances are, your Pulitzer Prize winning novel won't see the light of day for a few more years. And your family and friends might be a bit disappointed in your starter-novel.

Friends and family have great sway over us. It's much easier to dismiss the comments of an obnoxious critique group member than of someone we love. Besides, critique group members submit themselves to critique each week, too, so they tend to be more careful about how they phrase things.

IF YOU MUST show your work to someone you love, have them read the Critique Group Code of Conduct in advance, and sign it in blood.

Have I followed my own advice?

Not really. (Which could explain many of my nervous tics).

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