Sunday, March 15, 2009

Don't miss this contest!

The 2009 Debutantes, under the auspices of the amazing Saundra Mitchell, hold a monthly contest like no other. Just follow the link below, add a comment, and you're can win a bag of treats. There's goodies beyond your wildest imaginings, so don't miss out.

Find Out What's In The Bag And Win It Today


TheGeek said...

Lauren! Hi! It's Miranda! How are you doing?

Lauren Bjorkman said...

oooh. I like your icon. As if I'd forget who ladynightrunner was!

i'm crazy busy with meeting the deadline for my second novel and trying to build a website, etc.

howzabout you?


TheGeek said...

Not bad. Stressed, but alive, and waiting eagerly for Spring Break. The KianChloeJessieverse is taking a place on the backburner while I define the world they live in. Ooh! And I have some art of them. I'll have to put it up so you can see several artist's impressions of my babies!

Lauren Bjorkman said...

Definitely put them up! I'd love to see artist impressions of your babies.