Saturday, July 19, 2008


Years ago...when I just finished the second draft of my first novel, I started attending conferences for writers. Often the main attraction of these conferences would be a critique session with a real live editor from a major house, and with that the opportunity to make a sale.

Sadly, it didn't work that way for me.

Although these conferences taught me how editors think (talk about a diversity of working styles!), I recommend workshops over conferences. Workshops focus on the art and craft of writing, and each one I've participated in has helped me bring my writing up a notch.

Workshops are great for networking. I prefer multi-day workshops because you dig deeper and get to know the other participants better.

And the clincher...networking can be an effective way of finding a publisher for your work.

Happily, it worked that way for me!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Back from Malaysia

I'm back from a five week family trip to Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Now that I've unpacked, done three loads of laundry, recycled my junk mail, etc., I can think about my experiences. I had many great adventures in Hindu temples, Mosques, outdoor markets, and the rain forest.

More important to me, though...I spent many hours hanging out with really cool people (my family), met other people from all walks of life, and was given the chance to reflect on my life from afar. In that way traveling is not unlike writing. When I write I get to hang out with really cool people (even if they are imaginary), explore places I've never been (a miniature golf course, say), and walk in someone else's shoes for awhile.

The word I'm looking for is...


well, perspective about all the little things that get to me, and gratitude for all the big things I can take for granted.